The Language Leap Install program creates a demonstration Library called “Japanese Audio Flash Cards L1-L3.” The resources included with this Library have been provided by permission from

Each Lesson contains VocabularyGrammar and Audio Practice files. The Audio Practice files also include TTS audio files, created by Language Leap directly from the same sentences spoken by the native speaker. These files have been included so that you may compare the level of accuracy between an actual speaker and a “digitally” created voice.


Getting Started – The Parts of the Language Leap Screen


Language Leap is made up of three main areas – the Segment Creator (Top of the screen), the Library Organizer (the left side of the screen “Treeview”) and the Item Viewer (the right side of  the screen). The Item Viewer is usually a “Listview” but depending on the type of source material you have selected from the Organizer (audio, video, text, htm, etc.), this part of the screen will change.



The currently supported Item Viewers are –



Listview – vocabulary and sentence segment selection



Text – editable text files, such as Grammar notes



HTML – a web browser control for displaying web links and images



Kanji – a specalized viewer for students of Japanese



The Library Organizer


The Library Organizer is the “repository” for all of your language learning resources. The Organizer is fully customizable – you can create any combination of  learning resources that you like, from a handfull of podcasts, to an entire textbook of dozens of chapters.

A Library is comprised of “Groups.”   A Group is a top level unit of organization, and Groups contain the next level which are “Members,” and Members contain the final organizing element, “Sources. “

Sources are the actual files you add to your libraries. Sources can be any of the supported file types in Language Leap (.mp3, .txt, .html, etc.)

To better understand the Library Organizer, let’s take a look at the Japanese Audio Flashcard Library (if you have not loaded this Library, click on File – Load Library, and select it from the Library list):


At the top of the Organizer is the name of the Library, “Japanese Audio Flashcards.”
The next element under the Library is the Group, “About Japanese Flashcards,” followed by 3 more groups, “Lessons 1-3. “
Beneath the group are 2 Members, “Getting Started. ” and “”
And finally we have a single HTML file Source, “How to Use this Demo.”


Browsing the Materials



Let’s look at the actually STUDY elements in the Library.

Double click on the Group name “Lesson01” from the left side of the screen (Tree View). The 4 Members in this group – VocabularyKanjiGrammar and Practice – will appear in the tree. (Note – Libraries can contain as many or as few Groups, Members and Sources as you like – they are completely customizable.)


Double click on the member “Vocabulary.” The viewer on the right side of the screen (List View) will populate with all of the vocabulary items that have been added to this group. When reviewing vocabulary, you may wish to “hide” the pronunciation or definition columns. Click on the check box options in the upper right of the screen located on the Segment Creator.


Try it!


Click on the Vocabulary node and then uncheck the Pronunciation check box from the Vocabulary Columns options. The list will reload without displaying the Pronunciation column.


(Note – when you click on an actual vocabulary item from the list view, there are options based on your user settings. If “Speak on selection” is enabled, and you have the associated language Speech installed, then the selected item will be “spoken” by the Windows Text to Speech function.

If “Speak on selection” is NOT enabled, clicking on a vocabulary item will launch the Dictionary feature. From the Dictionary you can make corrections or add to your vocabulary lessons.

Next click on the Kanji node. Students of Japanese will find the Kanji member very useful. The Kanji member dynamically searches the Vocabulary of the selected Group and lists all of the kanji vocabulary it finds. The kanji vocabulary is treated the same as regular vocabulary items. Note that the kanji vocabulary will list duplicate voabulary items, as they are created from the combination of kanji characters. Each kanji vocabulary is placed under the kanji element which it contains.


Audio Segments

Finally, click on the Practice node. This Library Member contains 3 sources named “Full Lesson,” “Japanese Only,” and “TTS generated audio.” Clicking on one of these sources will fill the list with all of the segments created from these audio files. The Segment Creator allows you to break down audio files into the smallest elements possible for you to enhance your listening comprehension. To play back a segment, double click on it from the list view. The segment will load and the audio will play back only the selected range of audio. You may slow the playback from the Segment Creator options, and even set the number of repetitions you would like to hear.


Try It!


Click on the “Lesson 1 (Japanese Only)” member. The list will populate with all of the segments created from this audio source file. In the list double click on the segment named “L1-J-007.” The segment will load, and the audio will play back. Notice at the bottom of the screen, both the transcription of the segment AND the translation are displayed. This is an advanced function in Language Leap – you may make your study Library as simple or as detailed as you wish. There are many built in features that allow you to quickly add segment transcriptions/translations, rename segments, add tags…it’s all up to you on how comprehensive you want your libraries to be.


Try It!


Click on the “Lesson 1 (Japanese Only)” member. The list will populate with all of the segments created from this audio source file. In the list double click on the segment named “L1-J-007.” The segment will load, and the audio will play back. Notice at the bottom of the screen, both the transcription of the segment AND the translation are displayed. This is an advanced function in Language Leap – you may make your study Library as simple or as detailed as you wish. There are many built in features that allow you to quickly add segment transcriptions/translations, rename segments, add tags…it’s all up to you on how comprehensive you want your libraries to be.


Next try changing the playback settings from the Segment Creator options. Click on Repeat count to increase the playback count and change the Speed. Slowing down conversations and repetitive listening are highly effective ways to help increase your listening comprehension!


Tracking your progress – SRS


Language Leap has 2 ways to track your progress and help you review your study materials. The first method is a Spaced Repetition System (SRS). SRS tracks your progress by having you select a value from 1-5, rating your understanding or competency of vocabulary and conversational segments. When SRS is enabled, 5 buttons will appear next to the listview viewer. Each time you click on a vocabulary of segment, you select your competency from the 5 buttons. Choosing “5” means you fully understand the vocabulary or sentence. A “4” means you understand but with some hesitation. For the other values, click on Settings – SRS for a complete list. Note you may change these level descriptions to use whatever competency levels you choose.


How SRS Works


When you select a competency value with SRS, an algorithim is applied based on the competency #. Choosing “5” flags the item as “known,” and it will not be displayed again in your reviews. This eliminates constantly seeing the same items you have already studied and mastered. Selecting a “4” will cause the item to be removed from your current list, and it will be added back in after a set number of days. Choosing the rest of the values then applies a factor on when to include the item again in your review. Note – if you select “1” the item will always be displayed when you review with SRS.


Tracking your progress – Manually


While SRS is a proven method for memory retention, Language Leap also allows you to manually set your reconition level on items. This can be useful for advanced students when studying lists of vocabulary, as you may select multiple items and “set” your recognition in a single step, without having to do a step by step review. To manually set recognition, select the item(s) and then right click – from the pop-up menu, click on “Recognition” and then select the appropriate value. The item icons will be updated accordingly.

The Segment Creator is one of the most powerful features in Language Leap – not only can you quickly segment out entire conversations and vocabulary lists, you may also export your segments for use with other devices and programs. Combined with the various import features, the Segment Creator can help you build entire lessons in a fraction of the time to would take to manually create audio files.

In order to use the functionality of the Segment Creator to its upmost capacity, please review this brief tutorial – once you have mastered segment creation, you will be able to create audio studying materials in a fraction of the time it would take with conventional software!


Getting Started


To begin this tutorial, first create a new collection and name it “Segment Creator


Next, locate an audio file to use as your source. This file should preferably be several minutes long and contain an actual conversation in your study language. Once you have located a suitable file, drag and drop it onto the Conversations treenode in the collection you have created (note – if you have set a different template than the Default, drag and drop the file onto whatever Member name you will be using for audio/visual files.) Right click on the new source and rename it to “Audio 01.


Double click on Audio 01 to load it into the Segment Creator. If the Auto Play setting is checked, the audio file will begin to play automatically. (Click on the Stop button if the audio begins to play. We aren’t ready yet…)

When you first load an audio file, Language Leap will parse the Member name into a Prefix, # padding Format, Separator and Starting # based on the Source name in the Tree. These are the parameters that will be used to name your segments as they are created. You may change these parameters to whatever you wish, however don’t be too concerned with naming – you can rename ALL of your segments with a single mouse click later.

 See “Renaming Segments.”

Next we will look at the most important part of understanding the Segment Creator – the Media Toolbar. Once you have a firm understanding of EXACTLY what each button on the toolbar does, you will be amazed at how quickly you will be able create (and edit) segments.



The Segment Creator Media Toolbar


Each of the media toolbar button functions are described below. We will see how each works momentarily.



Play – the Play button controls the playback and pausing of the audio file. When an audio is playing, the icon will change to a 2 bar Pause button.


Stop – the Stop button stops the playback and resets the start of the playback to 0.


Back – the Back button rewinds the media a set # of seconds. This value may be changed from the Language Leap Settings – Media tab.


Forward – the Forward button fast-forwards the media a set # of seconds. This value may be changed from the Language Leap Settings – Media tab.


Segment Creation/Editing Controls


Mark In – the Mark In button sets the starting point for the segment


Mark In time label – Once a Mark In point is set, the timecode will appear in this label in Green. The label has additional editing functionality which will be decscribed shortly.


Tweak Start – the Tweak Start button subtracts or adds seconds to the starting point of the segment based on which mouse buttton you click – LEFT for subtraction from the start, RIGHT for adding to it.


Split Segment – the Split Segment button splits the loaded segment into 2 segments at the current playback position.


Tweak Stop – the Tweak Stop button subtracts or adds seconds to the stopping point of the segment based on which mouse buttton you click – LEFT for subtraction from the start, RIGHT for adding to it.


Mark Out time label – Once a Mark Out point is set, the timecode will appear (briefly) in this label in Green. The label has additional editing functionality which will be decscribed shortly.


Mark Out – the Mark Out button sets the stopping point for the segment

Segment Loading


Reload Last – the Reload Last will reload the clip loaded for additional editing


Continue Auto Creation – the Contiune Auto Creation button sets the new segment’s start point to the last clip loaded’s end point and begins playback for auto creation.

© 2022 Language Leap KK . Based in  Tokyo, Japan